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6月22日,北汽福田在埃塞俄比亚举办了名为“Together win future – BEIQI FOTON Ethiopian key account delivery and signing ceremony”的主题活动,并发布了其国际化战略,重点推动非洲和埃塞…...

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Ethiopia inaugurates its first artificial intelligence center

Ethiopia inaugurates its first artificial intelligence center

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia today inaugurates the country’s first artificial intelligence (AI) center established in the capital, Addis Ababa.The Center will be a site fo…...

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Ethiopian Airlines Announces A Re-Opening Plan

Ethiopian Airlines Announces A Re-Opening Plan

Ethiopian Airlines, having been used majorly to airlift medical and personal protective equipment (PPE) during the pandemic, has announced the welcome back of business and leisure t…...

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$1.2 million for Ethiopia-Sudan railway study by the AfDB.

$1.2 million for Ethiopia-Sudan railway study by the AfDB.

The African Development Bank’s Board of Directors has approved a $1.2million grant to Ethiopia’s government to finance a feasibility study for construction of a standard-gauge rai…...

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Ethiopia power plant gets USD 10 million boost

Ethiopia power plant gets USD 10 million boost

Ethiopia has taken a step towards its green energy target andopened the door to further private sector investment in geothermal energy, with a USD 10 million loan from a fund.The co…...

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Safaricom Eyes an Opportunity to Expand into Ethiopia

Safaricom Eyes an Opportunity to Expand into Ethiopia

Safaricom PLC is planning to extend its reach into Ethiopia, Kenya’s northern neighbour.Although not initially successful with its first few attempts, new changes within the Ethiop…...

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African Development Bank welcomes $10 million Clean Technology Fund investment to diversify Ethiopia

African Development Bank welcomes $10 million Clean Technology Fund investment to diversify Ethiopia

(AfDB ) - The African Development Bank has welcomed a decision by the Trust Fund Committee of the Clean Technology Fund (CTF), one of two funds within the Climate Investment Funds (…...

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Country launches new dam project to boost agriculture

Country launches new dam project to boost agriculture

The Ethiopian authorities have just selected three companies for the construction of the Kaza dam as well as the development and rehabilitation of new irrigation facilities. This pr…...

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Rural electrification to unlock $4 billion in Ethiopia’s economy

Rural electrification to unlock $4 billion in Ethiopia’s economy

A new report released by Rocky Mountain Institute states thatlinking agriculture and rural electrification in Ethiopia could help the country unlock up to $4 billion in its economy.…...

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